A Life Journey documented in an online journal.

Timely news to keep family and friends up to date on my life…

Archive for February, 2003

Healthy Boy

Since JeanCarlo has been home he’s gained some weight as could be expected and desired…He’s a little over 12 pounds now and is very active and HAPPY 🙂

As you may have suspected JeanCarlo was helping Daddy with shoveling all the snow we got the past few days, 24 inches of snow…he’s like BamBam from the Flinstones…hahah

I wish he could’ve helped me, my cousin should’ve warned me about all the snow we get up north anyways I digress…

We have received requests for updated pictures and I will be posting new pics this evening at 9pm est time.

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3rd times a charm!

JeanCarlo came home on Sunday the 9th for the 3rd time since birth and he weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces…he gained a pound for every week he stayed in the hospital this last two week visit.

At the moment he is doing fine…acting like a baby, you know not letting Mommy and Daddy sleep because he’s noctornal but he sure does love to eat and poop :)

Once we get the house in order, JeanCarlo has given me word that he would love to see visitors especially all those aunts/uncles & cousins that he’s never met before…

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I’m still in the hospital

Well I’m still in the hospital getting my daily dosage of antibiotics. Hopefully I’ll be able to go home on Monday. This time I’m going to try to stay home. I’m 10 pounds three ounces. I’ve come a long way since that first day of being 2 pounds 5 ounces. I’m ready to go to my new room.

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