A Life Journey documented in an online journal.

Timely news to keep family and friends up to date on my life…

1st Haircut

Today I got my first real haircut in the big kids haircut place. I say first real haircut because mommy had trimmed my hair before. Today the lady used the buzzing thing on me. I didn’t cry. It was so cool. I got to play in a car and watch Finding Nemo. I look so handsome. Like a big boy.

So now I can walk and I got my first haircut. What’s next. Hmmm maybe my first sentence.

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New Discovery

Hi everyone. You know what’s better than taking out all my toys and throwing them all over the room? Getting in the Toy Box with them. Yes now I get in my toy box and play with my toys in there. Check out my pictures. You can see how well I fit. Maybe you would like to join me in the toy box sometime.

I’m also taking more steps than before. I’m gaining my confidence and will be walking perfectly before summer. This summer mommy and daddy will have to chase me around.

Talk to everyone soon. In the meantime check out the new photos and don’t forget to check for the Easter pictures.

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Congratulations are in order

My baby cousin (Isaiah Isreal Cabrera) came to play yesterday, February 29th. Another boy in the family. He is much bigger than I was. 7 pounds 3 ounces.

Also Madrina is engaged to Mr. Larry Flowers. Madrina is getting married. Yippeee. So happy to welcome another cousin into the family. This one is fully grown. Mommy we have two new cousins in one weekend.

I grew two more teeth on the bottom. I’m taking steps to walk but am a little scared. I’m getting into all of mommy and daddy’s things. Everything I’m not suppose to touch I do. hahaha Mommy and Daddy what are you gonna do?

Stay tuned for pictures of my new baby cousin.

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Checking in

Happy new year all, I know I know, it’s a bit late but I guess we’ve been lazy in updating the baby’s webpage…

Well JC is doing well, he has been very active in this new year and we anticipate he will be walking/running this summer all around the yard.

Pictures from New Years will be posted shortly so check back soon.

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Christmas Take 2 for JeanCarlo

So JC was able to enjoy this Christmas and was with his family who loves him…He received a lot of presents and is thankful for each and every one of them…

Ok Ok, go check the pictures, they are up now!

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Pictures are fixed!

Sorry about that folks, if you see something wrong on the site don’t hesitate to drop me an e-mail…

The pictures are fixed, I will be adding pictures of JeanCarlo and his new baby cousin Brianna and Cousin Brandon to the site. I will also add pictures that I have been delinquent in posting…

Merry X-mas all and to all a good night!

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More Teeth

My two top teeth are coming out. I’m feeling icky, but soon I’ll be chomping on everything in site. I’ll be eating big people food like arroz con gandule and pernil. mmmm, mmmm. I’ll eat my portion and Daddy’s. Chomp, chomp.

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New Teeth

Hi everyone. Guess what my two top teeth are coming out. The better to bite with…heheehe. These teeth make me feel icky, but soon I can start eating some of the food Mommy and Daddy eat. Like arroz con gandule. Hmmmm, mmmmm. Mommy and Daddy get ready. I’m going to chomp on everything with my new teeth.

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Birthday pictures are online!

Ok, stop the e-mails asking me about the pictures…They are online!! :)

Seriously, thank you all who came out and enjoyed the day with US. We had a great time with you and JeanCarlo enjoyed the whole day. He was all smiles and clapping all day, he was probably the happiest little 1 year old on the planet.

So Thank You all for the well wishes and presents!

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Happy BirthDay to JeanCarlo

Today is Halloween and so that means it’s JC’s 1st Birthday!!

It’s been a very long year with several emotional rollercoasters that we’ve endured with Jeancarlo. He is a very special boy and a true Million Dollar baby.

If we had to change anything over this first year of his life, I can honestly say I wouldn’t change a thing. God has graced us as parents and his gifts aren’t always clear at the moment but the faith we have and the love for JC will prove to be apparent very soon.

Happy Birthday JeanCarlo!!

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